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Our Vision: At Colonial Hills UMC we envision a world and a community of faith where people are connected to God and others through the transforming love of Jesus Christ!

Our Values: At Colonial Hills UMC we desire to be a thriving congregation within the city of San Antonio and around the world. This requires a foundational set of values that we build upon while growing and serving together in love. Our core values of spiritual vitality, transformation, and adaptability lead us to a place of Christ-like thriving at home, around our faith community, and beyond.

  • Spiritual Vitality begins with a caring, safe, and accepting place for ALL people to gather and grow in their divine-oriented purpose as children of God.

  • Spiritual Vitality continues as a congregation lives and loves in Christian community and beyond; learning, teaching and sharing the practices of Christian faith in ways that are inclusive and inspiring.

  • Transformation is part of our divinely created purpose and that authentic engagement with one another, and the world is the foundational way in which we continue and encourage growth for all people in the knowledge and grace of Jesus Christ.

  • A willingness to adapt and innovate in every season of community life brings vitality AND sustainability to the church’s mission

Colonial Hills United Methodist Church is a place where all kinds of people are welcome. A community of people who love God and neighbor, and believe that everyone should be treated with the utmost kindness, respect, and compassion.
CHUMC offers something for everyone, regardless of their age or background, which makes it a great place to unwind and enjoy time with friends and family. We have traditional and contemporary worship styles, catering to different tastes.

Whether you are new to the area, looking for a new church home, or just want to connect with other like-minded individuals, Colonial Hills United Methodist Church is the perfect place to start.

CHUMC is a friendly, welcoming, and diverse community. We believe that diversity strengthens the community, which is why everyone is welcome here, regardless of their social status, race or gender.

The church community is committed to serving others and helping those in need, furthering the mission of Jesus Christ. So, if you want to experience the love of God, the warmth of friendly people, and a strong sense of community, visit Colonial Hills United Methodist Church today.


Colonial Hills is a Lighthouse Congregation of The Rio Texas Conference of The United Methodist Church.  Lighthouse Congregations are local churches in the Rio Texas Annual Conference that are particularly equipped to welcome anyone whose church has closed or disaffiliated. These United Methodist faith communities are a resting place, with people who will offer care while providing a haven of peace and grace.  For more info click here

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