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Stephens Ministry
Stephen ministers provide hospital visitation and other types of one-on-one Christian care. Every 2nd Thursday 5:00-7:00pm in the Admin. Bldg. (Bldg. #3) Conference Room.. (Sue Holmes)
Colonial Classics
Classics is a group of vibrant adults who are at least 55 years old or retired at any age. Join us for fellowship and engaging programs every first Monday in the Worship Center (Bldg #1. Come at 10:30am) for fellowship, then at 11:00 there's a brief business meeting followed by a variety of guest speakers and topics. At Noon we have lunch together at various local restaurants. (Bonnie Ayer)
WOW Women of Worth
Women of Worth (WOW) is open to all women age 18 and up. We use our gifts as women to serve, play, and worship. Every 1st Friday from 6:30-8:30pm in the Hospitality Center (Bldg. #1)
United Methodist Men
CHUMC UMM meets every 2nd Saturday from 8:30-10:30am in the Admin. Bldg (Bldg #3) Conference Room.. UMM is involved with Breakfast, Fellowship, Biblical reflection, and plugging into the church's mission/outreach ministries as the Spirit leads.(Mike Christensen)
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